A one-of-a-kind tour this Summer!

- a Health:Pitch project -


Bringing fun, joy and hope to those who need it, and shining the spotlight

on some of our amazing partners who do this so well.


Who’s involved:

Tazia, an iconic little car with heart and passion that appreciates collaboration

and support on this special journey. Our talented Italian soprano

and many other generous friends, old and new.



From London, we explore parts of England then cross the channel

to finish in Berlin at The Future of Music and Arts in Medicine and Health Congress.



22 June - 22 September 2024



Creative pop-ups here, there and everywhere!

Journey with us by following our Instagram page!



Who is Health:Pitch?

H:P focuses on the intersection of creative arts, mental health, and emotional wellbeing.

We use opera and musical theatre in unique ways and based on purposely chosen and

tested ingredients backed up by academic research to help bring renewed hope and joy to those

suffering emotionally, to tell stories that inspire conversation and encourage action on mental health issues.

The aim is to influence both public understanding and professional practice in these areas.


To date we have performed in over 70 diverse health, social care and isolated community settings

as well as in academic and public spaces in the UK, and online during the pandemic, reaching nearly

10 000 people who have limited or no access to high-quality engagement

despite the benefits these bring.


Health:Pitch is a distinct fund within the UK registered charity Centre for Innovation in Voluntary Action, 1122095.


Copyright © 2024 Health:Pitch